[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Kendo Ui Move Draggable On Drop

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Famke Bergmans

Hi there, I'm working in Rollbase using Kendo UI. I'm currently making a drag drop with the Kendo UI Drag & Drop functionality. It works well, except I want the draggable element to stay visible when it gets dragged onto the dropTarget. I made that work using offset, but when I zoom the screen in or out, the dropTarget moves while the draggable stays untouched. Does anybody know a way in which I can make my draggable stick to the dropTarget? Here's some code: $(".draggableTire").hover(function(){ $(".draggableTire").removeClass("dragTire"); $(this).addClass("dragTire"); $(".dragTire").kendoDraggable({ holdToDrag:true, hold:function(e){ $(".dragTire").css({"border":"1px solid orange","border-radius":"10px"}); }, hint:function(e){ return e.clone(); }, dragend:function(e){ $(".dragTire").css({"border":"0px","border-radius":"0px"}); }, autoScroll:true, }); }); $("#tireWasteFirst").kendoDropTarget({ drop:function(e){ $(e.draggable.element[0]).offset({ top:e.sender.targetElement.y, left:e.sender.targetElement.x }); $("#tireWasteSec").show(); formActions(e.draggable.element[0].id); } }); Greetings, Famke

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