[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: GET JSON STRANGE RESULT

  • Thread starter Thread starter Giancarlo Alberto Somma
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Giancarlo Alberto Somma

Hi to ALL, Follow the code for GET JSON clients data. Its seems all corret but the result is very strange. The entity.json file contains this string: ' Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray_5057 ' insteand to receive json format file. Maybe could you explain me why? Many thanks BLOCK-LEVEL ON ERROR UNDO, THROW. USING Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject. USING Progress.Json.ObjectModel.ObjectModelParser. USING Progress.Lang.Object. USING OpenEdge.Core.WidgetHandle. USING OpenEdge.Core.String. USING OpenEdge.Core.*. USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpRequest. USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse. USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.ClientBuilder. USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.RequestBuilder. USING OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Credentials. DEFINE VARIABLE httpUrl AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE oRequest AS IHttpRequest NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE oResponse AS IHttpResponse NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE oRequestBody AS String NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE oJsonEntity AS JsonObject NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE JsonString AS LONGCHAR NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE lcToken AS LONGCHAR NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cToken AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE oEntity AS Object NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hXmlDoc AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE lcHTML AS LONGCHAR NO-UNDO. SESSION:DEBUG-ALERT = TRUE. oRequestBody = new String('username=sage&password=$££££$$$&grant_type=password'). oRequest = RequestBuilder:Post(" http://sage.ch/api/v1/token" , oRequestBody) :ContentType('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') :AcceptJson() :Request. oResponse = ClientBuilder:Build():Client:Execute(oRequest). MESSAGE oResponse:StatusCode SKIP oResponse:StatusReason SKIP VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. oJsonEntity = CAST(oResponse:Entity, JsonObject). oJsonEntity:Write(JsonString, TRUE). lcToken = oJsonEntity:GetJsonText("access_token"). cToken = oJsonEntity:GetJsonText("access_token"). MESSAGE STRING(JsonString) STRING(lcToken) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. //chToken = "Bearer" + STRING(lcToken). oRequest = RequestBuilder:Get(" sage.ch/.../getclients") // Add credentials to the request //:UsingBasicAuthentication(oCredentials) :AddHeader("Authorization","Bearer " + cToken) :Request. oResponse = ClientBuilder:Build():Client:Execute(oRequest). MESSAGE oResponse:StatusCode SKIP oResponse:StatusReason SKIP oResponse:ContentLength SKIP oResponse:ContentType skip VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. oEntity = oResponse:Entity. IF TYPE-OF(oEntity, JsonObject) THEN CAST(oEntity, JsonObject):WriteFile( 'c:\ob1\temp\entity.json ', true). ELSE IF TYPE-OF(oEntity, WidgetHandle) THEN DO: hXmlDoc = CAST(oEntity, WidgetHandle):Value. hXmlDoc:save('file', 'temp\entity.xml'). END. ELSE DO: /*IF TYPE-OF(oEntity, String) THEN lcHTML = CAST(oEntity, String):Value. ELSE lcHTML = oEntity:ToString().*/ case true: when type-of(oEntity, String) then lcHTML = cast(oEntity, String):Value. when type-of(oEntity, Memptr) then lcHTML = cast(oEntity, Memptr):GetString(1). when type-of(oEntity, ByteBucket) then lcHTML = cast(oEntity, ByteBucket):GetString(). otherwise lcHTML = oEntity:ToString(). end case. if OpenEdge.Net.MimeTypeHelper:IsXML(oResponse:ContentType) then copy-lob lcHTML to file 'temp/entity.xml'. else if OpenEdge.Net.MimeTypeHelper:Isjson(oResponse:ContentType) then copy-lob lcHTML to file 'temp/entity.json'. else copy-lob lcHTML to file 'temp/entity.txt'. /* Change extension per the Response's ContentType CASE oResponse:ContentType: WHEN 'application/json' THEN COPY-LOB lcHTML TO FILE 'temp/entity.json'. WHEN 'text/html' THEN COPY-LOB lcHTML TO FILE 'temp/entity.html'. WHEN 'application/atom+xml' THEN COPY-LOB lcHTML TO FILE 'temp/entity.xml'. OTHERWISE COPY-LOB lcHTML TO FILE 'temp/entity.txt'. END CASE. */ END.

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