ODBC connection to PROGRESS and the whole lot

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
I am knew to this thread and therefore only think I know what I am
talking about.

I want to start out very very basic

I want to be able to communicate to my PROGRESS db using one of the
following (I am attempting to use Seagate Crystal Reports to design
report templates):

PROGRESS tells me I can use their "supported" PROGRESS SQL Client
Access when the database is 9.1 this will be sometime in Feb/Mar 2000
so this is not of immediate concern. I have been informed that the
ODBC connection will be on the server side as a part of the PROGRESS
v9.2 DB

or I can use the ODBC driver that is provided from merant(intersolv)
and PROGRESS' Client Networking software on the client (NT) side. We
have the Client networking software on the server side which I think
is required as a 3rd piece, but since we already have it there, it is
not an issue, I guess.

I talk to merant and they say I need their client side piece and
their server side piece, both of which I have downloaded, although I
have not installed them. Merant says I need the server side piece
that is specifically for PROGRESS. All of this I think I understand.
I have been informed that their server side piece handles the ODBC
connection to the DB

what I don't understand is the following:

PROGRESS says I need merant's ODBC driver and the PROGRESS Client
Networking software. No Server side installation of anything needs to
be done. They said this even though I told them that Merant said

Merant says I need their 2 pieces. I'm not sure, but apparently their
server side piece provides the Client Networking stuff. They also
said that it performs better than PROGRESS' "pieces".

With this conflicting information. I haven't really a leg to stand on
and subsequently become easily confused.

At 03:10 PM 10/12/99 -0400, Larry Spencer wrote:
> I am knew to this thread and therefore only think I know what I am
> talking about.

We'll get that taken care of.

> I want to start out very very basic


> I want to be able to communicate to my PROGRESS db using one of the
> following (I am attempting to use Seagate Crystal Reports to design
> report templates):
> 1)
> PROGRESS tells me I can use their "supported" PROGRESS SQL Client
> Access when the database is 9.1 this will be sometime in Feb/Mar 2000
> so this is not of immediate concern. I have been informed that the
> ODBC connection will be on the server side as a part of the PROGRESS
> v9.2 DB

The SQL92 engine uses the driver to pass queries over the network
to the server. The server then does everything, and passes back
an answer. See the SQL92 list for more.

> 2)
> or I can use the ODBC driver that is provided from merant(intersolv)
> and PROGRESS' Client Networking software on the client (NT) side. We
> have the Client networking software on the server side which I think
> is required as a 3rd piece, but since we already have it there, it is
> not an issue, I guess.

ODBC is a tricky little devil if you're not using #1 (when it's available)
You can't guess. Client Networking would not be on the server.
Your Workgroup or Enterprise Database software would be there.
You can have all of the PC's share Client Networking with a
Net Install, but you must have access to Client Networking
on each PC. If you're using Progress in GUI mode, you're already
doing this.

> 3)
> I talk to merant and they say I need their client side piece and
> their server side piece, both of which I have downloaded, although I
> have not installed them. Merant says I need the server side piece
> that is specifically for PROGRESS. All of this I think I understand.
> I have been informed that their server side piece handles the ODBC
> connection to the DB

Yes. That is *ONE* of their products. Read on ........

> what I don't understand is the following:
> PROGRESS says I need merant's ODBC driver and the PROGRESS Client
> Networking software. No Server side installation of anything needs to
> be done. They said this even though I told them that Merant said
> otherwise.

They are correct.

> Merant says I need their 2 pieces. I'm not sure, but apparently their
> server side piece provides the Client Networking stuff. They also
> said that it performs better than PROGRESS' "pieces".

That's because they're over selling you. They have a client/server
arcitected product where the server acts as a single client,
and then you contact the server with the PC. The "Progress
specific" piece Merant is talking about is the exact same
single client PC driver Progress is telling you to get for
option #2. Imagine an option #2 single PC somehow shared
over the network and that's what Merant is selling you
in option #3. Forget it if you're only a single PC.

Geoff Crawford Phone: (973) 361 - 4224
Innovative Client Servers FAX: (973) 537 - 6946
75 Fleetwood Drive, Suite 200 Email: geoff@innov8cs.com
Rockaway NJ 07886 Web: http://www.innov8cs.com
Consulting, Performance Tuning, & Author of the Progress ODBC FAQ