New to the group


New Member
I'm new to the group and to Progress Code. My exposure is to 9.1c because we use Vantage by Epicor at my job. I've just begun to dabble in creating some .P files to do exports etc. I link these to desktop Icons for other users to access. To date, I've accomplished this by manipulating code from others, or using code samples to suit my needs. It appears to me that the code used to create these .P files is some form of SQL, of which I've had some exposure. I'm looking to find a complete list of syntax to use in creating these .P files. Is there a reference guide or Book that somebody could recommend?


:chat: The Progress development environment normally comes with an extensive set of manuals. The documentation is also delivered on a cd-rom. I suggest that you ask your system administrator (or whoever is responsible for installing and maintaining software on your system(s)) about them.