Installing the Openedge 10.1b ODBC driver in Windows 64bit


No, it's not what you think--I do know how to start the 32 bit version of Data Sources Manager. The docs on the Progress Knowledgebase make things sound so simple--install the Client Networking portion of the client onto the 64 bit server, and then fire up the 32 bit version of the Data Sources Manager program and the driver should be there.

OpenEdge 10.1B and service pack 3 installed on the server without any trouble. The ODBC dll's are definately on the system. But the only drivers that show up in Data Sources Manager are the MS SQL ones (this box has SQL 2005 installed on it).

Anybody have anything I should check?


I haven't. I've played with it a little more since then, but the results have been the same--nothing I can do will make the ODBC driver show up in the 32 bit ODBC Manager.


No love there. That one is definately the 32 bit version, as it does list more drivers than the default tool or the one in system32 that is supposedly 32 bit--but the OpenEdge driver is still not listed.


OK, had a brain fart when I started playing with this again. I always do a complete install of Client Networking, and the ODBC driver is always there on the 32 bit servers. I installed Client Networking probably 4 times on this box, and I did the exact same thing. And like I mentioned in the OP, the DLL was definately there.

But on a whim, I went into the Openedge program group and fired off "Add Components". I drilled in a little bit and none of the ODBC stuff was checked. I checked the ODBC Client box and let it run.

Now it shows up. Go fig.


New Member
Just found this. Maybe you've already tried it, but when I run the version of odbcad32.exe in \syswow64 I do see my OpenEdge driver. Running odbcad32.exe in \system32 does not work.

This worked for me.

I only had 3 SQL providers showing in the default ODBC Admin tool.

I'm running Windows 2008 R2 x64

Using the one located here: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

Everything shows up and works as expected. Thanks!


New Member
i have OpenEdge 10.1b
Trying to install it on a x64 Server, Windows Server 2008 R2
When I start the install, the server reboots.....

Please advise