Exception while generating Excel Output


New Member
Hi, I used Actuate 8 API to generate report in different formats. After writing the code in Stateful session bean I deployed the same on EA Server 5.0 using JBuilderX. Everthing works fine except for generating output in Excel format. I am able to generate output in all the other formats. The following exception is thrown :

com.actuate.ereport.eapi.exception.OutputException: Unable to generate Excel output...
at com.actuate.ereport.eapi.output.ExcelOutput.generate(Unknown Source)

I have included all the necessary jar files where they should be, if I had not I wouldnt get output in any other format. The problem is only with Excel. I have also updated System classpath as indicated in manual, but no change. If anyone has experienced similar problem, or can give some ideas, please help me out. Cheers !