Contractor - Sonic, WebSpeed, Security, Integration


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Former WebSpeed developer turned technical consultant looking for new contract work for the winter months. I have a broad range of Progress/WebSpeed/Sonic expertise.

I worked for Progress for 7 years as a developer and built several vital product components including the character mode GUI interface in version 7, and the broker/agent/messenger architecture for WebSpeed that is still in use today. During my tenure at Progress, I also wrote a well received series of whitepapers on securing Internet-based applications and specifically how to successfully deploy them behind a firewall. These papers are still posted on PSDN. In addition, I was heavily involved in driving support for XML in the 4GL, and did several user conference presentations on this topic.

Spent 2001-2003 as a technical consultant in Sonic Software, where I worked on a variety of projects which included developing sample applications, building and running peformance benchmark tests (for a competitive analysis project), building Sonic ESB product vision, and developing assorted technical materials including the original SonicXQ whitepaper "Distributed Service Oriented Architectures" (which is still featured on the Sonic Web site). I was also a significant contributor to the Sonic Web site and developed some of the materials to support the launch of the Sonic Integration Suite.

More recently, I developed a series of technical whitepapers for Progress supporting the use of SonicMQ and Sonic ESB as an integration platform for Progress 4GL applications. My intimate knowledge of both the Progress/WebSpeed products, SonicMQ and Sonic ESB enable me to sucessfully roadmap integration projects based on various Progress and Sonic technologies.

If you have a need for someone to provide technical expertise, someone who can assist in helping you to acheive your integration initiatives, and someone who can also act as a direct conduit between you and the folks at Progress or Sonic, then I am your man. I am available by phone: 603-883-6949 or I can be reached via email at

Bob Trabucchi


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