Column & side-labels in MFG/PRO EB


New Member
I have just installed MFG/PRO EB and I HAVE NOT touched the font sizes in the progress.svg file and I am getting unusual column and side-labels in MFG/PRO EB. For instance on the menu it has UC_MANUFACTURIN instead of just MANUFACTURING and it has ESC_OR_BLANK_TO_EXIT rather then esc of blank to exit.
This same problem is occuring in other programs as well.

Ricardo Rafols

New Member

u can adjust this in

put your language in the field lang,
in the field term put the "ESC_OR_BLANK_TO_EXIT" or others expressions.

and translate in the expand legend and the other fields , logout MFG and login again to resolve the problem.

I have the same problem with a format of logical fied to inverted, and resolve to adjust here!

Ricardo Rafols.