Clearance code


New Member
Can anyone enlighten me regarding certain conditions under which a clearance code might be required for MXP 7.4 ? I am concerned this requirement might prove to be a potential obstacle to rapid recovery of a high availability system in the event of catastrophic failure. Because of extensive custom modifications we do not care to upgrade to version 8.x if it can be helped.

Assume as a proposed scenario that a second hard drive already loaded with operating system, Progress and MXP is installed in the server, and the database is copied to it nightly with periodic probacks done during the day.

1) In the event of a failure of the primary drive could the second (copy) drive be successfully used in its place ?
2) In the event of a failure of the server itself could either drive be successfully moved to a machine of similar specification ?

The concern here is to discover what standby facilities would be appropriate to minimise downtime. We are looking for a means of getting back online as quickly as possible. The prospect of reloading operating system, Progress and MXP, even from a backup tape let alone abinitio, is not a particularly welcome one. Neither is the notion of waiting any length of time to obtain a clearance code in the event of a warm swap or reload onto replaement hardware. Can anyone contribute some experience or knowledge to guide us in proposing a usefully workable solution ? What licensing issues might be involved ? Are there better alternatives ?
