Attempting to set up multiple Webspeed Services

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm attempting to set up multiple Web Services Adapters under Tomcat.

The steps I followed were:
1. Copy the standard ./tomcat/webapps/wsa to a new directory ./tomcat/webapps/wsadev
2. Created a new entry in for the new adapter


3. Modified the web.xml file in ./tomcat/webapps/wsadev/WEB-INF as follows:


4. Restarted Tomcat and the Appserver

When I attempt to navigate to the wsaUrl, I get the following message:
HTTP Status 404 - /dev/wsa1

type Status report

message /dev/wsa1

description The requested resource (/dev/wsa1) is not available.

I’m not sure what I missed – wsaconfig appears to detect the web service adapter – output below.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B02 as of Wed Sep 1 19:14:44 EDT 2010

Configuration Information for


actionalEnabled: 0

actionalGroup: OpenEdge

adminAuth: 0

adminEnabled: 1

adminRoles: PSCAdmin,PSCOper

adminSoapAction: urn:services-progress-com:wsa-admin:01

appAuth: 0

appProtocol: 0

enableWsdl: 1

enableWsdlListings: 1

httpErrorPage: httperror.html

location: local

logAppend: 1

logEntryTypes: WSADefault

logFile: /apps/dlc_wrk/

loggingLevel: 2

logMsgThreshold: -1

logThreshold: 0

numLogFiles: 3

proxyPort: 0

webAppEnabled: 1

webServerAuth: 0

workDir: $WRKDIR (/apps/dlc_wrk)

wsaUrl: http://djpserver01:8080/dev/wsa1

wsdlAuth: 0

wsdlListingPage: WSDLListing.html


Configuration Information for WSA.wsa1


actionalEnabled: 0

actionalGroup: OpenEdge

adminAuth: 0

adminEnabled: 1

adminRoles: PSCAdmin,PSCOper

adminSoapAction: urn:services-progress-com:wsa-admin:01

appAuth: 0

appProtocol: 0

enableWsdl: 1

enableWsdlListings: 1

httpErrorPage: httperror.html

location: local

logAppend: 1

logEntryTypes: WSADefault

logFile: /apps/dlc_wrk/wsa.wsa1.log

loggingLevel: 4

logMsgThreshold: -1

logThreshold: 0

numLogFiles: 3

proxyPort: 0

webAppEnabled: 1

webServerAuth: 0

workDir: $WRKDIR (/apps/dlc_wrk)

wsaUrl: http://djpserver01:8080/wsa/wsa1

wsdlAuth: 0

wsdlListingPage: WSDLListing.html