
  1. R

    Openedge 11.7 returns different result for COUNT(DISTINCT <ColumnName>) when compared to Oracle/MSSQL

    Hi everyone, I am facing a problem that has left me a little stumped. Any help or insight will be very helpful. A table called Staples in TestV1 schema was loaded in Oracle, MSSQL and Openedge. There is a customer bug stating that a SQL query to extract a table's data in Openedge 11.1 is...
  2. G

    Question Progress to MySql

    How can i copy a data-definition from Progress DB to MySql?
  3. J

    Export Data - Report

    Hi, I am trying to export data to excel . Sample: export stream report "Total Number of Passenger" and also displaying its value correspondingly . Is there a possibility to skip cell and display as shown below "Total Number of Passengers" skip a cell and displaying value as 30 While using...