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  1. L

    When neither \ nor "" works ...

    Hi. We have Progress 91d database and DataDirect 4.1 32-bit Progress SQL92 v9.1D ODBC driver under Windows Vista Ultimate. Everything works except file-name with hyphen. I have found some articles about it, but neither \ nor "" works. Example: $sql = "select something1, something2 from...
  2. L

    Any idea to evaluate field from db indirectly ?

    Hi! Suppose v. 9.1d: def var p-file as c no-undo init 'name-of-db-file'. def var p-field as c no-undo init 'name-of-db-field-of-file'. How to get the specific file data without compiling 'on-the-fly'. Something like: display (value p-file).(value p-field) ? (Of course, this is...
  3. L

    Communication trouble

    Hi ! Can you help me ? I have, for example, smart window with one fill-in and one smart browser. How can I change that fill-in's screen value from smart browser trigger ? Thanks.
  4. L

    SmartDataBrowser, OpenStudio 10

    Hi ! I worked in character mode for 12 years and now I am trying to do something in GUI with SmartObjects. Would you recommend me any GOOD method to understand it quickly ? For example: I have simple smart 'set' (window, dataobject, browser) and I want to change query depending on data from...