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  1. B

    OCX Problem

    Perhaps you have to define memory pointers (memptr) instead of characters, integers oder logicals. Only an idea ;)
  2. B

    Converting RTF text to normal text

    Hello! I saved the rtf text of my rtf-ocx in the database. To export it to MS Word using COM, I need to convert it to normal "readable" text. Here an example of the rtf text I want to convert: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab1134{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}...
  3. B

    connect statement

    It works, thank you!
  4. B

    connect statement

    Hi! Why does this code not work? define variable params as character no-undo. params = "wb4000 -H server -N TCP -S xyz". connect to value(params). It works if I write the parameters direct in the section editor. Thanks
  5. B

    minimize and maximize box

    hi! i used the example from to remove the min/max buttons from the title bar! But how do I create new if they are removed? Thanks
  6. B

    AcxiveX Control

    Hi! I've just created a ActiveX Control in C++ with the Visual Studio! I can import it in Progress, and I have access to the events! But how can I call the methods/functions??? Thanks
  7. B

    export table name to internal procedure

    Hi! I want to export a table name to an internal procedure. like this: RUN test ({&table.field}). PROCEDURE test. FIND FIRST table WHERE {&table.field} = "progress" NO-LOCK NO-ERROR. /* etc. */ END PROCEDURE. And I don't want to create an include. :confused: Thanks!
  8. B

    Fill-In Leave-Trigger

    Great! It works... :) Thank you! PS: next time I read more attentively
  9. B

    Fill-In Leave-Trigger

    It's for a search fill-in of a browse! I need something like this: DO: /* ANY-PRONTABLE */ /* write/apply the last key */ FIND FIRST Program WHERE Program.ProgramName BEGINS SELF:SCREEN-VALUE NO-LOCK NO-ERROR. IF AVAILABLE Program THEN DO: REPOSITION br-program...
  10. B

    Fill-In Leave-Trigger

    Sorry, i don't mean the leave-trigger! It's the any-printable!
  11. B

    Fill-In Leave-Trigger

    Hi! I want that progress first writes the character into the fill-in, and AFTER THAT executes the leave trigger. Is that possible? Thanks
  12. B

    search for chars

    Great! Both solutions work (Unregistered's with a little modification ;-)) Thanks...
  13. B

    search for chars

    How can I search for characters in a db-field? I want to count up them, eg. "How many "a"s are in this field! Thank you!