Throwing Error While Query Please Help


1 -Nameserver query throwing error below:-

/appln/pro91d/dlc/bin/nsman -i NS1 -q
PROGRESS Version 9.1D as of Wed May 8 16:52:13 EDT 2002

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /appln/pro91d/dlc/bin/auth.dll: 0509-022 Cannot load module /appln/pro91d/dlc/bin/auth.dll.
0509-026 System error: Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format.
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
at java.lang.System.load(
at com.progress.common.util.acctAuthenticate.<clinit>(

2. adminserver throwing error while query:-

$DLC/bin/proadsv -q
PROGRESS Version 9.1D as of Wed May 8 16:52:13 EDT 2002
Error accessing message #7021956244000743775.


9.1d is ancient, obsolete and unsupported. It was also buggy unless you have applied all of the service packs (and you haven't). You should upgrade. 11.6.2 is current at this moment.

Apparently /appln/pro91d/dlc/bin/auth.dll has become corrupted.

Perhaps you have a copy on another system that you can replace it with. Or you could try reinstalling Progress.

But... before I did any of that I would check to make sure that this wasn't some sort of hardware failure -- a transient disk failure or a RAM burp. Check the syslogs etc. Reboot...

If your hardware is as old as this release of Progress I'd be very seriously worried about the likelihood of it continuing to run. It if *isn't* that old I'd be asking some sharp questions about how technology investments are being made and why hardware is being upgraded but the software isn't.