Secure Socket Layer (ssl) Failure.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Okay, this should be easy to fix, however I'm not having much luck. So I get the following error:

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure. error code -54: unable to get local issuer certificate for 653b494a.0 in D:\Progress\OpenEdge116\certs (9318)

Explanation of the error:
An error occurred processing an SSL API request. This could be
a general TCP network error or an error processing the validation
of the digital certificate.

However after reading the KB article it should be simple to fix. However I can't find the the local issuer certificate. I'm accessing Error and whatever certificate it's using I can't find it in the list of 'Trusted Root Certificated Authorised' or 'Intermediate Certification Authorities'.

Could somebody attach the cert needed to this thread, that would be great. DER encoded x.509 (.CER) file.

OE 11.6 64bit.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Thanks Molly. That did the trick. I knew it was going to be a simple solution.


No worries. Wouldn't say simple! Sometimes finding the right root cert to install can be a pain in the you know where! Or at least I find it so. People with a better understanding of it might find it a doddle!