Question -lruskips

Openedge 11.4 OE Explorer

Just want to ask where i can find the -lruskips ? i need to adjust the default value, Sir Cringer told me that This isn't a parameter setting directly in OE Management for lruskips, so you have to add it to the extra parameters one.

Just add -lruskips 50 in there and restart the database.

but when i try to look the parameter in OE 11.4 i can't any parameter there.. if i not mistaken on new i see that parameter for creating new database on OE 11.4 but since my database was being old, is there any chance that i can access again the parameter setting?

hoping you can help me.


There is an option somewhere in OEM for "other args". That is where it goes. Personally I have no idea how to navigate to the proper screen -- I don't use that horrific mouse driven fuster-cluck. But perhaps someone who spends time with it will chime in with a more specific answer.

I just directly edit the properties file with notepad. Way faster and more reliable.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Select your database. Select Configuration. Select your default configuration (configuration.dbname.defaultconfiguration). Hit edit. There's an option there called Other arguments. Stick "-lruskips 50" in there.



But since OEM is on the table I'm assuming a mouse-crazed Windows-centric environment. And while I /can/ get a decent editor like emacs , notepad does get the job done ;)

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Notepad++ is a nicer alternative, or Textpad++ where there is an (old) colour library for Progress.