Recent content by stillerd

  1. S

    How to add dates in Actuate EReporting Suite 5?

    Gudday, Try using the Actuate DateAdd() function. all the best
  2. S

    Question about triggering methods

    Gudday, I am not sure whether or not you can actually call a VB binary directly from Actuate's VB. I would like to hear from anyone that has done this. What I normally do is create either an ActiveX object, with the required methods, or better still (more portable) a Java class with the...
  3. S

    ReportCast, IIS & Active Directory

    Hi All, I have a client that has a Actuate installation and they would like to use ReportCast to distribute reports on their internal network. They are looking for a single sign on, by way of the users (in this case employees) logging into their PC's and then having that single network login...