Recent content by mhtan88

  1. M

    progress webclient 10.0B03 install in windows 8 having put -key-value error.

    thanks for the information. but windows 7 10.0B is supported as well ( as long as disabled the UAC ). but, windows 8 seems like the problem occurs at the "performing system task" and it jump out.
  2. M

    progress webclient 10.0B03 install in windows 8 having put -key-value error.

    hi all, when i install webclient 10.0b03 in windows 8. it not allowed me to continue install while at the "perform system task" and show the error , put -key-value (4454), may i know what wrong with it? Regards, MH
  3. M

    prodataset sorting problem. OE 10.0B05

    hi all, I have a problem on prodataset sorting when Fill() into the tttempTable. because the data return will base on tttemptable 's "index". therefore, not matter how i do the "By" (sorting) in pc_query. the result also will base on temp-table 's "index". DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tttempTable LIKE...
  4. M

    Prodataset return null dataset.datatable if no return found.

    hi all, May I know is there any way to get prodataset.datatable() 's structure if the Progress side query a new table? if the table contain have data. it will be able to return the table and columns 's structure. is there any way to get the table 's structure? Thank you. TanMH
  5. M

    Data Created using Prodataset didn't execute Create Trigger

    Dear All, I'm using ProgressOpenEdge 10.0B03. I have a problem on new row created in Prodataset. when I post back using Save-Row-changes(). New record 's Obj didn't create base on Create Trigger. but, if i'm using create tablename. field1 = "a". my create trigger will execute...
  6. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    ops .... i found the error. DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataView dataView = new DataView(); should change to DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataView dataView = new DataView(dt); :lol:
  7. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    Thx rstanciu, But, I facing another problem. I have trying few method but some how, in temp-table have the value (4GL return 49 records in temp-table). But, dataset return in .net returned as 0 records. May I know which part i have did something wrong? below is my script...
  8. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    hi rstanciu, you are rigth. if i upgrade my .net framework more than or equal to version 2.0 it will give me the error. Is there any sample coding in procedure file and .net file regarding how does the .net update data back to procedure 4GL with value changed validation? Thank you. TanMH
  9. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    hi rstanciu, Thank you for your information. I 'll try to get one pc without .net 2 to try out. thanks again. Thank you. Regards, TanMH
  10. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    hi rstanciu, This code I did tried b4 last time. it was successful compiled and list out all the data i wrote into the temp-table in but, this is about 3 years ago. i have no idea same piece of code but i can't compile now. is it due to the .net problem? I have VS2008 with me as...
  11. M

    Proxy generator compilation error cs0116

    Hi all, I have a problem using Proxy Generator base .Net 2.0 SDK with .Net Framework v2.0.50727 to generate the DLL file. Is there anyone facing the same problem like me? It prompt me the error as below: Spec: OpenEdge10.0B03 Error as below: StrongTypesNS\custordlin.cs(1,1): error...
  12. M

    How to send updated dataset or temp-table in openedge web services through .NET

    i'm using OpenEdge 10.0B. May I know is it able to use prodataset? or I just direct connect using ODBC? any sample on prodataset? because i felt that the prodataset gather the data better instead of using ODBC pull into dataset. Regards,
  13. M

    Need to Hide frame field within the Frame

    may i know what version of progress are you using? try to use dynamic-function('hidewidget' in target-procedure, '<fieldname>' ). the target-procedure should be ur viewer 's target-procedure. i'm not use frame b4, therefore, maybe a bit different on the target-procedure. hope this can help you.
  14. M

    how to do sub query in 4GL statement.

    hi, 1) is 4GL code supported "sub query"? 2) if is supported. how if... if in SQL statement. the statement as shown as below: SELECT CustNum, (( SELECT Sum(TotalPaid) FROM pub.Invoice INV WHERE INV.CustNum = CustNum )) as Tutar FROM ( SELECT CustNum FROM Pub.Customer CUST ) how am i...
  15. M

    how to run Proenv on Unix server.

    maybe you can try out export DLC=/<your progress path> # Example: export DLC=/usr/progress/openedge and add: /<your progress path>: /<your progress path>/bin into your unix path then you will be able to run any progress command without to run proenv