Recent content by job419

  1. J

    Getting Max value extremely slow.

    I need to get the maximum value for a field in a table. Using the following statement, it is taking about 25 minutes to return the maximum value. SELECT max(notes.key) FROM notes I'm using the Merant ODBC driver, and there are over 9.5 million records in the table. Is there...
  2. J

    Issues updating a logical field using an ODBC connection

    I'm having the same issue, when trying to update from Have you found a solution to this?
  3. J

    Update Logical field through Merant 3.60

    Someone gave me the answer to this on experts-exchange. Had to let the ODBC driver do the conversion. UPDATE co SET LOGIFLD = { fn CONVERT ( '1' , SQL_BIT ) }
  4. J

    Update Logical field through Merant 3.60

    Hopefully this is the correct forum. First off, I'm not very familiar with Progress. I usually use SQL Server, but I have a client requirement to connect to Progress from a application. So far I've been having good luck with it but ran into a snag. I'm having trouble updating a logical...