Last day as a Progress OpenEdge 4GL/ABL developer


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Hi All,

Since getting a Job as 'Juinor Analyst Programmer' on my last day of college when I was 18, (20 years ago) starting in version 6 (Oh, those Black Books ), I have always been a Progress Developer for all of my professional career. Alas, I start a new job in the New Year not as a developer, but as a Manager for a government organization.

I never wanted to be a manager but unfortunately, with Progress Software being extinct here in New Zealand and nobody ever heard of Progress Software, no companies would take me on as a developer, not even a Junior, despite my skills being highly transferable.

So, my input into the ProgressTalk forum will possibly diminish over time.

It's been fun, and I am pleased with myself of what I have managed to achieve using OpenEdge and the help I tried to offer developers on the forum.
It has always been my go-to-place for answers.

Thanks for all the fish.
James aka "Cecil"
James, it's been a pleasure over the years reading your posts, solutions, and insights. With your curiosity, desire to understand problems and find good solutions, and your desire to help people, I know the government have found a valuable asset. I wish you the very best for the future. :)
Always sad to hear of someone lost to the OE world. And when that person is such an asset to the community as you it's even harder to swallow. You'll be missed, and I agree wholeheartedly with Rob's sentiments above. All the best, and don't be a total stranger.
Wish you the best for the future.
And I would like to thank you again for your help in my understanding and learning process of progress.